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EU Carbon Prices Tumble: Is the Green Transition Stalling?

The European Union Emission Trading System (EU-ETS), one of the world’s largest carbon markets globally has seen a significant drop in carbon prices since 2023. This decline, particularly starting from January 2024 has sparked concerns about the effectiveness of the system in incentivizing emission reductions. Despite price fluctuations hitting a low of €52 per ton in February 2024, they remain significantly higher than the pre-2020 levels which were below €20 per ton.

Factors Contributing to the Dip:

In 2021, average carbon permit prices hovered around €60 per ton. The swift increase throughout 2022 and early 2023 was linked to factors such as EU ambition on climate targets and a slump in natural gas prices that made it more appealing for power generations.

There are several factors thought to be contributing to the decline in EU-ETS carbon pricing;

  1. Changes in Energy Mix: A recent drop in natural gas prices could be a potential reason for the price drop. The reduced natural gas prices have reduced the motivation for industries to shift towards cleaner energy sources like renewables. European natural gas benchmark prices have dropped by over 40% since December 2023. This decline has made gas a cost-effective option for power plants in the short term. This shift in the energy mix could result in a reduction in emissions and lower demand for allowances impacting the carbon price.

  2. Geopolitical Uncertainty: The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has had an impact on Europe's energy sector. Concerns about disruptions in Russian gas supply and the resulting economic instability have led companies to prioritize energy security over long-term emission reduction investments. This shift might have lowered the demand for carbon permits, driving down prices.

  3. Oversupply of Allowances: There is currently an excess of allowances in the EU-ETS system, where companies need to have an allowance for each ton of CO2 they emit. The total number of allowances issued plays a crucial role in determining the price. In 2023, the European Commission implemented regulations to accelerate the reduction in allowances by up to 4.3% annually. However, a surplus from previous years and the economic slowdown affecting industrial activities may have caused a temporary imbalance.

Comparison of Carbon price and natural gas price

Is EU-ETS broken? What to look ahead?


The current price slump within the EU-ETS has raised questions about its effectiveness. A key concern is the diminished incentives for industries to invest in clean technologies. Reduced carbon prices weaken the signal that encourages polluters to embrace greener practices. Furthermore, a decrease in the auction revenue generated from selling carbon permits could impact the budgets allocated for climate initiatives on a national level. This could impede investments in developing renewable energy infrastructure and enhancing energy efficiency.

Despite the concerns, it's crucial to recognize the history of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS). Since its establishment in 2005, this system has contributed to reducing emissions within the power and industrial sectors by over 40%. Nevertheless, the recent decline in prices emphasizes the necessity for adjustments. Expediting the reduction of available allowances would result in a tighter market and drive prices upward. Additionally, certain industries are granted free permits that can dampen the overall pricing. Re-evaluating these allocations could improve market efficiency. The finalization and implementation of proposed reforms to the EU-ETS, such as revising the Market Stability Reserve and carbon leakage policies like the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will be pivotal in shaping the long-term trajectory of carbon pricing. The pace of technological enhancements will also play a significant role. The widespread availability of cost-efficient and renewable energy technologies could notably diminish fossil fuel demand while increasing permit demand, thereby elevating prices.

In conclusion, the recent decrease in EU-ETS prices is influenced by a mix of economic, political, and technological factors. While the near future is uncertain, the long-term success of the EU-ETS depends on elements such as Ukraine’s war resolution, ambitious reforms, advancing clean technologies, and promoting global carbon pricing initiatives. Successfully navigating these hurdles and upholding a carbon price that encourages green investments while adapting to market shifts will be crucial. The EU’s commitment to climate action remains strong, and these obstacles offer a chance to enhance the EU-ETS as a tool for a greener future.


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